If you were a traveller in the infinite cosmos.. What could you see or rather perceive? Colours I believe. Colours merging and drifting, from the softest of pinks to the most dazzling yellows. Stars shooting across a vast blue that has nothing to do with anything you have ever felt on earth. And these colours would play together, transforming into subtle notes. Each colour exactly connected to one another in a perfect harmony. Your eyes become your ears become your eyes again and you see and hear at the same time the most beautiful and comforting symphony.

I started painting as a child because words were blocked but colours went straight into me, through me, creating an expressive channel. From the light to my heart directly and by some magical alchemy through my strong hands. Finally I could express myself. Colours have been my translator. Took me years to start showing my work. But then I did. And people would say they felt soothed by the serenity. The scenes of interior bliss, the woman at the window, the dog dreaming on the couch. I have no other intention but to share the beauty I can sense. Could it be the most direct and human way to heal, to connect, to change? Beauty not as a concept, beauty in every day every minute…